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Top 5 Instagram Tweaks for iOS: Guide

Welcome to our blog, where we delve into the exciting world of Instagram tweaks for iOS. As tech-savvy individuals, we know that sometimes the original Instagram app can leave us wanting more. That’s where alternative apps with enhanced features step in to fulfill that need for customization and functionality.

In this article, our goal is to showcase the top 5 Instagram tweaks for iOS that go above and beyond the original app. By exploring these tweaks, we aim to empower our community of readers to take full control of their Instagram usage, unlocking new possibilities and enjoying features that go beyond what the original app can offer. Let’s dive in and discover the impressive world of Instagram tweaks for iOS.

BHInsta for iOS

Introducing BHInsta, one of the top Instagram tweaks for iOS that revolutionizes your social media experience with a variety of standout features. Let’s take a closer look at the different groups of features BHInsta offers.


Enhanced Privacy and Control:

Hide Ads: Say goodbye to annoying ads that disrupt your scrolling experience.

No suggested post: Enjoy a clutter-free feed by removing suggested posts that don’t align with your interests.

Show Like count: Easily view the number of likes on posts without needing to click on them.

Confirm like: Prevent accidental likes by requiring confirmation before a like is registered on a post.

Copy caption: Quickly copy captions and descriptions from posts for easy sharing.

Media and Content Management:

Download Videos: Save videos directly to your device for offline viewing or sharing with others.

Save profile image: Effortlessly save profile pictures with just a few taps.

Keep deleted messages: Ensure deleted messages are permanently removed from your conversations for enhanced privacy.

Privacy and Anonymity:

Remove last seen: Hide your last seen status, providing more privacy and control over your online presence.

Remove screenshot alert: Capture and save content without any notifications or alerts.

Disable Story Seen Receipt: Watch stories without others knowing you’ve viewed them.

Padlock: Adds an extra layer of security to protect your Instagram account from unauthorized access.

Enhanced Story Features:

Unlimited replay of one story: Enjoy re-watching stories as many times as you want, even after they’ve expired.

BHInsta offers a comprehensive range of features that enhance your Instagram experience by providing more control, privacy, and convenience. Take advantage of these incredible features to customize your Instagram usage and enjoy a more seamless and enjoyable experience on the platform.

Instagram Rocket for iOS

Instagram Rocket (TrollStore), an outstanding Instagram tweak for iOS, delivers a superior user experience compared to the standard Instagram app by offering a range of standout features. With the ability to download media, browse profiles anonymously, and enjoy an ad-free environment, this sideloaded app empowers users to tailor their Instagram experience to their preferences.


Media and Content Management:

Save any photo or video to Camera Roll: With a simple tap, you can save any media content from Instagram directly to your Camera Roll, allowing for offline access and easy sharing.

Download stories’ photos and videos: Instagram Injected With Rocket Tweak enables you to download photos and videos from stories, allowing you to save and enjoy them even after they disappear.

Extended story gallery: Instead of being limited to the last 24 hours, the story maker in this tweak displays the entire gallery, giving you easy access to older stories.

Hide sponsored posts: Tired of being bombarded with sponsored posts? With this feature, you can hide them, allowing you to focus on the content that truly matters to you.

Share images using the default iOS share sheet: This feature enables you to seamlessly share images from Instagram using the default sharing options available on your iOS device.

Enhanced Visual Experience:

High-resolution media viewing: By holding down on an image or video, you can now view it in high resolution, ensuring that you don’t miss out on any fine details.

Full-screen profile image viewing: By double-tapping or holding on a profile image, you can expand it to fullscreen, giving you a better view of the image.

Rhino for Instagram for iOS

Enhanced Privacy and Control:

Mute and Unmute users: From your home and activity feed, you have the ability to mute or unmute specific users, providing you with more control over your Instagram experience.

Display the following status on user profiles: Easily see if you are following or not following a specific user directly from their profile.

Feed layout customization: With a press of a button, you can effortlessly toggle between the grid and list layout options for your Instagram feed, allowing you to find the layout that suits you best.

Detailed timestamps: By tapping on times within a post cell, you can view the full timestamp, providing you with more context and information about when a post was shared.

Manually mark stories as seen: If you want to update the status of a story as «seen,» you have the option to manually mark it, ensuring that you have control over your engagement with stories.


View direct messages without notifying the sender: Gain the ability to check your direct messages without letting the senders know that you have seen their message, offering you more privacy and flexibility.

View stories without marking them as seen: No need to worry about accidentally marking stories as seen anymore. This feature allows you to view stories without them being marked as seen, giving you the freedom to browse discreetly.

Confirmation alert for likes: Whenever you double-tap a post, Instagram Injected With Rocket Tweak provides a confirmation alert to ensure that you don’t accidentally like a post.

Rhino for Instagram for iOS

Rhino for Instagram is an impressive Instagram tweak that extends the functionality of Instagram on iOS devices. It offers a range of features that are not available on the official Instagram app, allowing users to enhance their Instagram experience. Let’s dive into the standout features of Rhino for Instagram and how they enhance the user experience compared to the original Instagram.


Media and Content Management:

Saving Live Videos: Rhino for Instagram allows users to save live videos, a feature not available on the official Instagram app. This gives users the ability to download and revisit live moments even after they have ended.

Download Media: Users can download images and videos of the highest quality without the need for any media configuration. Rhino for Instagram provides a convenient way to save media content, allowing users to access it offline for personal enjoyment or sharing.

Enhanced Privacy and Customization

View direct messages without notifying the sender: Users can disable the «marking messages as seen» feature, maintaining more control over their communication on Instagram.

View stories without marking them as seen: Users can disable the «seen» indicator in Instagram stories, allowing anonymous viewing without the creator knowing their identity.

InstaRocketPlus for iOS

InstaRocketPlus is a popular Instagram tweak that enhances the capabilities of Instagram on iOS devices. Let’s delve into the details of InstaRocketPlus and explore how its features enhance the user experience when compared to the original Instagram.


Media Management:

Save any photo or photo to Camera Roll: InstaRocketPlus allows users to download images, and videos from Instagram directly to their devices.

Download photos and videos from stories: This feature focuses on enabling users to download and save media from Instagram stories, ensuring that they can access their favorite content even when offline.

Streamlined Sharing: This feature simplifies the sharing process by allowing users to seamlessly share images from Instagram using the default iOS share sheet.

Enhanced Media Viewing:

High-resolution media viewing: By holding down on an image or video, you can now view it in high resolution, ensuring that you don’t miss out on any fine details.

Profile images in full-screen: Double-tap or hold on a profile image to view it in full-screen.

Extended story gallery: Instead of being restricted to viewing stories from the last 24 hours, this app’s story maker presents the entire gallery of stories.

Control and Customization Options:

Mute and Unmute users: Easily mute or unmute specific users to curate your Instagram feed and focus on the content that truly matters to you.

Hide sponsored posts: This feature allows you to hide those sponsored posts, leaving you with a feed filled only with content you genuinely care about.

Display the following status on user profiles: By displaying the following status directly on user profiles, you can easily determine your connection with that user without having to navigate through multiple screens.

InstaRocketPlus for iOS

Privacy Enhancements:

View direct messages without notifying the sender: This app allows you to disable the «marking messages as seen» feature, giving you more control over your communication on Instagram.

Manually mark stories as seen: When you want to update the status of a story as «seen,» you can choose to manually mark it.

InstaRocketPlus enhances the user experience by introducing features that expand Instagram’s functionalities and provide greater control over account management, media editing, and privacy settings.

Nyx for Instagram for iOS

Nyx for Instagram is a popular Instagram tweak that pushes the boundaries of what you thought was possible on Instagram. Its standout features are designed to empower users with greater control, customization options, and privacy.


Media and Content Management:

Enhanced Media Management: Nyx for Instagram allows you to save any photo or video directly to your Camera Roll, granting you greater flexibility and control over your content.

Immersive Viewing Experience: The app lets you explore photos and videos in stunning high resolution. By simply holding down an image or video, you can delve deeper into the details and appreciate the artistry behind the posts.

Streamlined Sharing: Sharing your favorite images with friends and followers is made simpler with Nyx for Instagram’s seamless integration with the default iOS share sheet.

Nyx for Instagram for iOS


Customization Features: Nyx for Instagram offers an array of customization options that put you in the driver’s seat. You can toggle between different feed layouts, effortlessly switching between a grid or list view to suit your preferences. This level of customization enhances your browsing experience, making it easier and more enjoyable to navigate through your Instagram feed.

Nyx for Instagram for iOS


Improved Privacy Controls: Nyx for Instagram empowers you with enhanced privacy features. With the ability to view direct messages without notifying the sender and manually mark stories as seen, you can choose how and when you engage with content. These privacy controls ensure a discreet and personalized communication experience, giving you the freedom to interact on your own terms.

Nyx for Instagram is the sideloading app that introduces a fresh perspective on Instagram, offering standout features that enhance your user experience.


There are several popular Instagram tweaks available, each offering unique features and customization options. Some examples include:

Instagram Rocket
Rhino for Instagram
Nyx for Instagram

These tweaks provide additional functionalities such as downloading media, hiding read receipts, and customizing the app’s interface. It’s important to research and choose a reputed tweak that aligns with your desired enhancements.

Can I use an Instagram tweak on a non-jailbroken device?

Yes, sideloading an Instagram tweak allows users to use the app on non-jailbroken devices. There are various sideloading methods available that do not require jailbreaking.

What types of features can I expect in an Instagram tweak?

The features of an Instagram tweak will vary depending on the specific tweak. Some common features include enhanced media management, customization options, and improved privacy controls. These features can enhance your overall Instagram experience and offer more functionality than the original app.

Will sideloading an Instagram tweak get me banned from Instagram?

Instagram’s terms of service prohibit users from modifying the app or accessing it through other means outside of the official app. While sideloading an Instagram tweak is not illegal, it does pose a risk of getting flagged by Instagram’s security systems. To minimize the risk of a ban, it is recommended to use the tweak in moderation and to avoid violating Instagram’s terms of service.

Step-by-Step Download and Setup:

  1. Before proceeding, delete the original Instagram app from your iOS device. This step ensures a clean installation of the tweak.
  2. Open the browser on your iOS device and navigate to the builds.io website. This site offers Instagram tweaks and other sideloaded apps.
  3. Ensure that you select the version compatible with your iOS device.
  4. Install the app by following the provided instructions on the website. This typically involves downloading and installing the provided IPA file.
  5. Once the installation is complete, open the Instagram tweak. Depending on the tweak, you may be prompted to set up a new account or log in with your existing Instagram credentials. Follow the setup process as instructed, including granting any necessary permissions for the tweak to function properly.
  6. Explore the app’s settings menu to customize it according to your preferences. This may include adjusting privacy settings, enabling or disabling specific features, and configuring media options. Take some time to personalize the Instagram tweak to suit your needs.
  7. Now that the setup is complete, start using the Instagram tweak and experience its enhanced features and customization options.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to efficiently download and set up the Instagram tweak, opening up a new world of features and customization options to enhance your Instagram usage.


In conclusion, we have explored various aspects of using Instagram tweaks. It’s clear that tweaks can offer significant advantages in terms of customization, privacy, and enhanced features.

We encourage our readers to try out different Instagram tweaks and share their experiences and feedback with the community. User insights and feedback are essential in helping others make informed decisions and stay up to date with the latest developments in the sideloading landscape.

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