Instant Translator - App for iOS

Instant Translator - App for iOS

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The Instant Translator app is your go-to solution for instant language translation. A user-friendly interface and advanced translation algorithms ensure accurate and fast conversion of words, making it easier than ever to communicate with people worldwide.

Download the Instant Translator app for your iOS device and access a wide range of languages at your fingertips. From Spanish to Chinese, French to Arabic, Dutch to Korean, and six varieties of English, this app supports multiple languages, empowering you to have smooth conversations wherever you go.

Forget about language barriers with the iPhone app. Say goodbye to awkward encounters and hello to seamless communication. Speak or type your message. It provides instant conversion words in real-time, ensuring smooth and efficient conversations in 2024.


  • Fast and Accurate Translations
  • Multiple Language Support
  • Real-time Translation
  • User-Friendly Interface
  • Developer
    Tensift Software
    Latest updates