You are Hope
You are Hope is based on a PC game called "ONE HOUR ONE LIFE" by Jason Rohrer. However, this app is not his, and he is not involved in its creation at all. Our game and online world is separate from its own and contains modifications and exclusive additional content that we have created ourselves.
An important thing you do in this game is to name your children (who are also gamers). "You are Hope" is what a mother would say when naming her baby "Hope".
If you've played the PC game, you'll understand the premise: Build a civilization from scratch together with other players and follow its development over countless generations.
You will be born either as a baby to one of the other players, or as a young woman if no suitable mother can be found. Every minute in real life equals a year in the game and you won't live past 60. Although a single life is limited in time, the things you craft in your life will remain for your children and grandchildren after you die. Try to make life a little easier for everyone who comes after you. In this way you give the future generations of your family the chance of a prosperous life.
Your entry into the game is sometimes all alone in the wilderness. There you have to light a fire to stay warm and set traps for rabbits to get meat and skins for clothes. In all of this, in the beginning, a sharp rock will be your best friend. Pick a good spot to settle and grow food. Because soon, not only other players, but possibly your own children will appear as well. You must take care of them until they are grown enough to help you.
Another time you enter the game in a sprawling town where you meet farmers, cooks, blacksmiths, shepherds and hunters. Other players, who may be your grandparents or distant relatives, have already prepared clothes and equipment for you. Maybe you can gather some friends and start your own settlement. Or maybe you inherit a farm from your uncle or maybe you have to hunt and kill bears and wolves. The possibilities are endless, but remember: you've only accomplished something when you leave the world better than when you arrived.
In each of your lives you meet new players. Some of them have more experience, others less. Some will teach you and others will learn from you. There may even be some among them that are causing trouble in your civilization and you must take appropriate action against them. Together with your fellow players, you have the task of changing the world for a brief moment before the following generations take over.
After your life ends in the game, you can use your family tree to keep track of how your descendants manage their lives. Be proud of all your younger relatives who have successfully reached adulthood and each new generation that comes after you. They all stand on your shoulders.
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